Company Thanksgiving Chalet @ Aloha Loyang, Garden Terrace F
DAY 1 – 18 Dec, Sun – for primers only
DAY 2 – 19 Dec, Mon
1100 Meet @ White Sand for lunch
1400 Free and easy
1700 Set fire
1730 BBQ
2000 Coy Thanksgiving
2100 Free and easy
DAY 3 – 20 Dec, Tues
1000 Check out
This is NOT an official school event and invite is personal through BB82nd officers. In no ways, are the school and BB company be responsibility of the safety of boys during the period of chalet.
Boys are to let parents know of the above mentioned and seek their consent first.
Things to bring:
1. Extra clothing & toiletries
2. Sleeping bag (optional)
3. PS3 with FIFA 2016 (Sir Wei Jian)
4. Any card and board games
5. Any other other things u wan to bring to play
6. Money enough for lunch, supper, or other expenses on entertainment