Monday, March 12, 2012

PARADE NO 10(BB week collection at Wesley)

Attire: Full BB Uniform

Shift 1: Squads 1 & 2

0750 - 0800 Fall In (outside school gate)
0800 - 0830 Journey to Wesley Methodist Church
0830 - 1130 BB Week Collection (Lunch will be provided)
1130 - 1200 Journey back to BLSS / Dismissal

Shift 2: Squads 3 & 4

1000 - 1015 Fall In (outside school gate)
1015 - 1045 Journey to Wesley Methodist Church
1045 - 1330 BB Week Collection (Lunch will be provided)
1330 - 1400 Journey back to BLSS / Dismissal

- Have a good breakfast before you come!
- No changing of shift allowed.
- Bring both your BB week cards.

BB Week instructions:
- Money collected should tally with amount stated on card.(Can have more money but not less)
- Try to finish one card first before using the next.
- We'll collect back cards that are mostly filled on that day.

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