Time: 0730 - 1730 (report at 7.30 am sharp outside BLSS BB room before boarding bus)
Attire: Brigade Attire (with nametag)
Boys involved: All Sec 2s
- Boys will undergo training in basic fire-fighting and rescue, and simple first aid.
- To pass the course, Boys must pass the written and practical test. Certificates will be awarded to Boys who have successfully completed the course.
- Please remember to bring $5 for the course fee and also enough money for lunch.
- Boys must also report in proper haircut, which is defined as hair that is not artificially coloured, and does not touch the ears, eyebrows and collar. Fingernails must also be short and clean. Any participant who reports for courses in improper attire, will be asked to leave, and the space forfeited. No refund of course fee will be made in this instance.
- 2-way bus transport will be provided from BLSS to Civil Defence HQ (7.30 am) and from HQ back to BLSS (5.30 pm)