Sunday, May 30, 2010

Civil Defence Course (1 June 2010)

Date: 1 June 2010, Tuesday
Time: 0730 - 1730 (report at 7.30 am sharp outside BLSS BB room before boarding bus)
Attire: Brigade Attire (with nametag)
Boys involved: All Sec 2s


  • Boys will undergo training in basic fire-fighting and rescue, and simple first aid.
  • To pass the course, Boys must pass the written and practical test. Certificates will be awarded to Boys who have successfully completed the course.

  • Please remember to bring $5 for the course fee and also enough money for lunch.
  • Boys must also report in proper haircut, which is defined as hair that is not artificially coloured, and does not touch the ears, eyebrows and collar. Fingernails must also be short and clean. Any participant who reports for courses in improper attire, will be asked to leave, and the space forfeited. No refund of course fee will be made in this instance.
  • 2-way bus transport will be provided from BLSS to Civil Defence HQ (7.30 am) and from HQ back to BLSS (5.30 pm)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

PARADE NO. 14 (29 MAY 2010)

Date: 29 May 2010, Saturday
Time: 0830 - 1200 hours
Attire: Blue BB polo with PE shorts
DO: Mr Adrian Tay




Some of the Sec 4 and 5 BB Boys have been losing their happiest memories of BB. We suspect foul play, and will be investigating the matter. We hope to get to the bottom of it, and help them recover all their memories by 29 May 2010, with your help.


DAILY UPDATE #4 (27 MAY 2010)

This is the final update before OPERATION LOST MEMORIES.

Things are getting creepier... The picture below of a mysterious and frightening figure was taken tonight near one of the Sec 4s' houses. He/she/it seems to be holding a wand?

We've put together an elite team of Primers:

We will try to ambush the culprit tomorrow night. If our mission fails, it will be up to YOU to help the graduating Boys when OPERATION LOST MEMORIES commences on Saturday.

DAILY UPDATE #3 (26 MAY 2010)

SIGH. More lost memories...

Siong Guan's:

And Wei Liang's:

Some of the affected Sec 4s shared about having nightmares of a "dark, hooded figure", or feeling an "evil presence" in their rooms. Who is behind this? Someone, or something, must be doing this to the graduating Boys.

We've found some clues, and hopefully will have more to report tomorrow.

DAILY UPDATE #2 (25 MAY 2010)

The problem is worse than we thought...

Sin Yew has no memory of this:

And in Jonathan's mind, this never happened:

Is it a disease? Something psychological? Stress? Or something more sinister? What's going on?!

DAILY UPDATE #1 (24 MAY 2010)

Jordon has forgotten all about this:

And Ardi has no recollection of this:

We are no closer to solving the mystery, but hopefully we will find out more tomorrow. Your comments are welcome.

Posted by:
Mr Tay

Sunday, May 16, 2010

PARADE NO. 13 (22 MAY 2010)

Date: 22 May 2010, Saturday
Time: 0830 - 1200 hours
Attire: Brigade Attire (Bring PE attire)
DO: Mr Paul Weng


0830 - 0845 Fall In
0845 - 0945 CE
0945 - 1045 Games
1045 - 1145 Level Time
1145 - 1200 Dismissal

  • For Level Time, Sec 1s and 2s will have a leadership lesson on Up-Front Speaking. Sec 3s will be planning for ROD Parade (which will be on 29 May 2010).
  • Sec 4s and 5s are excused from this parade.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

With constant perserverance and endurance...

Jordan and Jonathan have successfully achieved the BB Founder's Award, the highest and most prestigious award in the Seniors Programme.

Congratulations to both of them! They will have an award presentation ceremony next month.

SO...If you want to be like them, Join! Participate! Get involved in every BB activity!

Lastly, exams are over soon so run the last lap of your race doing your best! Pray to god for strength. All the best.

Mr Paul