Time: 0830 - 1200 hours
Venue: BLSS
Attire: Brigade Attire with Boots
DO: Mr Chong
0830 - 0845 Fall In
0845 - 0945 Drill
0945 - 1045 CE
1045 - 1130 Level Time
1130 - 1145 BB Week Briefing
1145 - 1200 Dismissal
- Parades will start at 0830 hours this year.
- Kelvin Leong, Kang Sheng and all Sec 2s (except Chin Ho and Nigel Mark) are to report to Mr Lin in school by 0630. Bus will leave BLSS at 0645 for kayaking course.
- For kayaking, bring extra clothing and footwear. Compulsory to wear shoes into the water. Slippers can be brought along, but cannot wear them into the water. Kayaking attire is any school PE T-shirt and shorts.
- Level Time for Sec 1s: Target Awards (TA)
- Level Time for Sec 3s: Word-of-Command / Method of Instruction
- Level Time for Sec 4s: TA Camp Planning
- Nigel Mark and Chin Ho are to attend parade at normal hours of 0830 - 1200
Cross-country Duty:
- Cross-country duty personnel are not required to run cross-country as they are manning water points on 10 March
- The 20 duty personnel are: Kean Zhu, Kevin Pook, Yi Lun, Nicholas Ma, Weifeng, Zhihong, Eugene, Ray, James, Siong Guan, Yue Long, Jonathan, Jordon, Jun Sheng, Ryan, Alan, Arief, Chee Seong, Jin Ding and Stefan.
- Please inform me ASAP if your name was / was not included in the 20 personnel due to some mistake. My extension number is 147.